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Hi! I'm Liz,

A planner, a project manager, an events organiser, a career changer. And now navigating a new journey!

This life is a funny old thing at times isn't it? You think you're on one path, navigating your journey as best you can and then WHAM.... all change!

And that's where I find myself right now. After changing lanes (careers) once, I now find myself in a totally new, unexpected lane. I didn't see it coming, one afternoon it just happened. So I'm embracing a new lifestyle and possibly career change number 3.


I've become a land owner and so naturally with an events and project management backgorund, I'm figuring out how this can work for us. We've brainstormed, drawn mind maps and have visions boards. Ideas are aplenty!

Before life changed so dramatically for us all in March 2020 I loved my career of choice,  along with..... my family and friends, reading, yoga, Grazia and Red (magazines if you don't know, and you should they are fab), prosecco, chocolate orange, gardening, growing my own, George Michael and tablescaping.

So this is the start of our new adventure. I'm not sure where we'll go or how we'll get there. What I do know is we have determination, we have some skills, we have our imaginations and we have a vision (I think!). This is nothing more than my story and my journey. But I'm hoping it can bring you some joy, a little light relief and maybe even some inspiration.

This is my glorious journey!

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This Glorious Journey


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